From Surviving to Thriving:

Your path to Freedom starts here!

Find out what it will cost to start your own online venture even if you don’t have a clue what to do.

Perfect if you're a complete beginner in generating income online (or have been in survival mode for too long!).

Hello Freedom Friend,

do you want to be truly free?

What does freedom look like for you?

And is there currently a cost to your freedom?

These are questions that we really invite you to ponder and sit with for a while...

Are you feeling a pull away from resisting and fighting all the things that are wrong in the world and a pull towards creating the world you do want? Do you feel you're here to do big things as a brave change-maker?

Have you formed new knowledge, skills and connections over the last 2 years and are looking for a way to monetise your mahi, create something that will benefit others or nurture them in a safe online community?

Are you feeling the need to bring balance back to your life, allow yourself to dream again, focus on your financal freedom and create a lifestyle you love while pursuing your souls purpose?

Are you feeling you're unable to return to a system that is broken and want to chart your own course to freedom but are not sure how to start or what to do?

If this is you, then...

You are in the right place!


Our FREE guide will show you the process and the range of costs involved with getting started with your online venture

The journey starts with knowing the best route to take, preparing for and charting your journey and then setting sail in the best conditions that you can. You'll find this in our guide 'The Cost of Freedom'.

Discover all you need to know to 'Free Yourself First' and make sure you have what it takes for this journey

Dive into a wave making clarity call with Deb, your Online Funnel Building Expert and let's form your Strategy

What it's like to work with us

Don't just take our word for it, see what other freedom lovers are saying!

Kia ora!

Welcome aboard Rock the Boat...

At Rock the Boat, we don't just ride the waves; we make waves! As skippers in the realm of 'Done For You' branding, websites, and membership site design, we're also your capable crew on the 'Done With You' and 'Do It Yourself' journey. Whether you're new to launching your purposeful online venture or seeking to level up, we've got you covered.

Like you, we're not afraid to Rock the Boat and navigate the currents of freedom with you by building our resillience and personal sovereignty.

Grab our free guide 'The Cost of Freedom' to find out more about our story and what you need to jump on this waka too.


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